Rioja, 1917
Body long and cylindrical. Prostomium fused to peristomium.
Peristomium a complete ring. Prostomial palps form the crown in Owenia , in Myriochele absent. Thoracic region is made up of chaetigerous buccal segment and three short segments bearing only dorsal hair-like chaetae. Abdominal region formed by long segments, becoming progressively shorter posteriorly. Parapodia are ill-developed. Neuropodia are presented by wide, flattened tori bearing rows of very numerous small crochets. Notopodia short, truncate cylinders with variously ornamented capillaries. Parapodial cirri and gills absent.
Pygidium small, rounded, more or less bilobed, without cirri.
Tube open but narrowing at each end (Oweniidae).
After: Fauchald and Rouse, 1997, Hayward and Ryland, 1990 and Kirkegaard, 1996.
The following taxa of this family occur in the region:
Genus Myriochele
Genus Owenia
Myriochele danielsseni
Myriochele oculata
Owenia fusiformis