Savigny, 1818
Prostomium with four antennae, posteriorly bilobed with a nuchal papilla in the incision. Eversible nuchal organs laterally on prostomium. Proboscis divided in proximal and distal part. Proximal part with papillae, either diffusely distributed or in more or less distinct rows, distal part hexagonal. At least segment 1 dorsally reduced, i.e. prostomium covers anterior segments. Four pairs of tentacular cirri. Parapodia uniramous. Ciliation present as transverse bands on dorsum and on inner posterior side of dorsal cirri.
The following species of this genus occur in the region:
Phyllodoce citrina
Phyllodoce groenlandica
Phyllodoce laminosa
Phyllodoce lineata
Phyllodoce longipes
Phyllodoce maculata
Phyllodoce mucosa
Phyllodoce rosea