Familia Spintheridae

Augener, 1913

Body short, oval; dorsal surface convex, ventral surface flat and either papillated or smooth. Prostomium tiny, inconspicuous and posterior to the most anterior parapodia, almost completely covered by single pear-shaped antenna. Mostly with four eyes. Parapodia are bilobed, the anterior ones directed anteriorly, the posterior ones directed posteriorly, surrounding the subterminal anus. Mouth is ventral, surrounded by first few chaetigers. Notopodia forming elongated transverse ridges almost completely covering the dorsal surface, with delicate lamellae supported by numerous chaetae in transverse rows. Neuropodia are cylindrical. Usually without dorsal or ventral cirri. Notopodial chaetae are spinelike, entire or bifid. One or more compound, strongly hooked neuropodial chaetae. Without gills. Pharynx eversible, forming a voluminous rosette-like sac, without jaws (Spintheridae).
Most of the spintherids live in association with sponges, some also with hydrozoans. They are carnivorous or parasitic and often have the same colour as the host. They are mainly distributed in the cold seas of the Northern Hemisphere.

After: George and Hartmann-Schröder, 1985.

The following taxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Spinther
Spinther arcticus