Lumbriclymene cylindricauda

M. Sars, 1872

Body cylindrical, long and thin; with 19 chaetigers.
Prostomium oval to bean-shaped. Nuchal slits somewhat semicircular, with opening posteriorly.
Anterior 13 chaetigers are long, posterior segments short. The 8 first chaetigers with a glandular band anterior to parapodia.
Notopodial capillary chaetae with narrow, denticulate or smooth wings.
Anterior 4 neuropodia with 1-2 strong, blunt spines. Following neuropodia with hooks (L. cylindricauda-detail). Posterior 6-7 segments without chaetae.
On chaetigers 1-5 parapodia are set anteriorly on the segments; parapodia of chaetiger 6 behind the middle of the segment; on chaetigers 7-9 parapodia set anteriorly; on posterior segments parapodia behind the middle of the segment.
Pygidium cylindrical to conical.

Up to 130 mm for 19 chaetigers.

Thick and solid structure, covered with fine sand and mud. Diameter outside 1.5 mm, inside 1 mm.

Fixed, brownish pigment anteriorly on the prostomium, anterior parts of 1st and 2nd and posterior parts of the following segments up to segments 5 or 6.

Eastern North Atlantic between Iceland and Spain, western Norway to Skagerrak.