Familia Protodrilidae

Czerniavsky, 1881

Body elongate, thread-like, multisegmented; with neither parapodia nor chaetae. With two anterior, mobile, flexible tentacles ('palps') arising from the prostomium with their bases distinctly separated; internal canal of palps without ampullae, connected behind the brain. Pygidium usually with two adhesive lobes. Two eyes, at least in larvae, and usually two so-called statocysts; two nuchal organs. Gliding locomotion by a ventral ciliary band. Pharynx prominent, ventral, with tongue-like organ and grating plate. Salivary glands distinct, extending into a variable number of anterior segments (Protodrilidae).
Sexes are separate. Males with a limited number of paired spermioducts, which open within paired ciliated lateral organs. Spermatozoa are flagellate and extremely thin. Females with relatively small oocytes. Planctonic larvae with an eversible mouth funnel.

After: Westheide, 1990.

For identification to species level, jump to the Picture key: Page 308: Protodrilidae

The following taxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Protodrilus
Protodrilus adhaerens
Protodrilus affinis
Protodrilus brevis
Protodrilus ciliatus
Protodrilus gracilis
Protodrilus hatscheki
Protodrilus helgolandicus
Protodrilus hypoleucus
Protodrilus oculifer
Protodrilus purpureus
Protodrilus robustus
Protodrilus rubropharyngeus