Eteone picta

Quatrefages, 1865

Prostomium rounded, antennae situated on distinct terminal protuberance. Eyes deeply situated, usually distinct in both living and preserved specimens. Nuchal papilla distinct but may be difficult to detect. Proboscis with minute club-shaped thorny papillae on the dorsal surface. Ventrolaterally with larger, less distinct papillae. Terminal ring with about 35-40 pointed papillae. Tentacular cirri reaching segment 3-4, of equal size. Segment 2 with parapodial lobes and ventral cirri. Dorsal cirri of median segments oval-hear/shaped. Parapodial lobes rounded, with about 15-20 chaetae. Terminal end of chaetal shaft strongly asymmetrical, the main tooth on one side much larger than on the other side. Ventral cirri oval, about as long as parapodial lobes. Pygidial cirri longer than broad, with rounded ends (E. picta-detail).

Living relaxed specimens 25 mm long for 120 segments.

Living animals yellowish white with rust-red brown pigment present on dorsum, on anterior sides of cirrophores and as two lateral and two more median dark areas on segments. Yellow pigment present on pseudosegmented areas. Ventrum usually unpigmented; some specimens with dark lateral spots, more or less segmentally arranged. Eyes dark red brown. Yellow pigmentation lost in preserved specimens but dark pigmentation retained.

In crevices among rocks and shells, in shell gravel and among kelp holdfasts. Intertidal to at least 25 m.

Atlantic between Greenland and West Africa to Mediterranean, Adriatic, Black Sea, English Channel and South-West North Sea.