Oersted, 1845
Body thin and fragile.
Prostomium quadrangular with four eyes with lenses in a trapezoid arrangement. Palps rounded triangular, longer than the prostomium, extending as two long and broad lips. Median antenna club- or flask-shaped, not much longer than the lateral antennae. Lateral antennae shaped likewise, longer than the peristomium.
Tentacular cirri tiny. Dorsal cirri very small, much smaller than the parapodial lobes and missing on the second parapodium. Ventral cirri hardly visible. Blades of compound chaetae of different structure, one with needle-like chaeta, others with short bidentate chaetae.
Upper simple chaetae present on all parapodia. Posterior parapodia with an additional lower simple bidentate chaetae (E. naidina-detail).
Pharynx with one anterior tooth.
Body up to 5 mm long for 36 segments.
Occurs from the eulittoral, sublittoral to mid-bathyal.
Probably cosmopolitan, English Channel and North Sea.