Pherusa plumosa

(O.F. Müller, 1776)

Body long and cylindrical, covered with epidermal papillae which are better developed on the dorsal surface and around parapodia; often encrusted with sand-grains or mud.
Prostomium and peristomium retractile, with eight finger-like gills, four eyes and two broad palps.
Cephalic cage formed by long, iridescent, forwardly directed chaetae of the first three chaetigers.
Notopodial chaetae all capillary and annulated. Neuropodial chaetae capillary and 2-5 brown spines, starting at chaetiger 4 (P. plumosa-detail).

Up to 60 mm for 70 segments.

Young specimens deep orange or rusty yellow; adults greenish, dark brown or steel grey.

In the upper layers of the bottom; in sand or mud, eulittoral to bathyal.

North Sea to Baltic Sea. Possibly whole northern hemisphere.