Familia Ampharetidae

Malmgren, 1865

The body is divided into two regions, a broader and shorter anterior one (thorax) with biramous parapodia and the narrower posterior one (abdomen) with neuropodial flaps bearing uncini and notopodia being vestigial or lacking (Ampharetidae). Prostomium small, fused to first segment, without antennae.
Peristomium limited to lips. Palps are numerous short buccal tentacles located on an eversible lip-like structure; tentacles are completely retractible.
First and second segment fused to head, without chaetae, often retracted. Up to four pairs of simple gills on anterior segments. Long and shining chaetae may be present on the first notopodia, i.e. those of third segment. Normal notopodia with capillary chaetae start on segment 4 or 5; neuropodia start at segment 7 or 8. All neuropodia are tori with uncini, anterior neuropodia may have additional peg-like chaetae. Tentacular, dorsal and ventral cirri absent, but there may be a cirrus associated with abdominal neuropodia. Pygidium with or without many cirri (Bodyplan Ampharetidae).

After: Fauchald and Rouse, 1997 and Hayward and Ryland, 1990.

For identification to species level, jump to the Picture key: Page 319: Ampharetidae

The following taxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Alkmaria
Genus Amage
Genus Ampharete
Subfamily Ampharetinae
Genus Amphicteis
Genus Amythasides
Genus Anobothrus
Genus Eclysippe
Genus Hypania
Genus Lysippe
Genus Lysippides
Genus Melinna
Subfamily Melinninae
Genus Mugga
Genus Sabellides
Genus Samytha
Genus Sosane
Genus Sosanopsis
Alkmaria romijni
Amage auricula
Ampharete acutifrons
Ampharete baltica
Ampharete falcata
Ampharete finmarchica
Ampharete goesi
Ampharete lindstroemi
Amphicteis gunneri
Amphicteis midas
Amphicteis sundevalli
Amythasides macroglossus
Anobothrus gracilis
Eclysippe vanelli
Hypania invalida
Lysippe labiata
Lysippides fragilis
Melinna cristata
Melinna elisabethae
Mugga wahrbergi
Sabellides borealis
Sabellides octocirrata
Samytha sexcirrata
Sosane sulcata
Sosanopsis wireni