Familia Histriobdellidae

Vaillant, 1890

Body minute, elongate, indistinctly and irregularly annulated. Prostomium rounded, with three antennae and two palps; without eyes. Peristomium fused to prostomium, with a pair of cylindrical elongations, each terminating in a sucker. Following segments with or without a pair of cirri, but without parapodia (males with a pair of modified parapodia, used as an auxiliary copulatory organ). Posterior part of the body terminating in two laterally directed modified parapodia with a pair of cirri and with a terminal sucker. Aciculae and chaetae absent. Pharynx with a pair of ventral mandibles and several pairs of dorsal maxillae with an unpaired carrier.
Parasites on crustacean hosts.

The following taxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Histriobdella
Histriobdella homari