Familia Sabellariidae

Savigny, 1818

Worms living in thick-walled tubes of cemented sand or shell-gravel, sometimes aggregated and reef forming. Body is long and cylindrical, divided into three regions: a thorax, abdomen and an achaetous ‘tail’.
Prostomium fused to peristomium, largely indistinct but at least forming a median keel. Peristomium visible only as lips. Paired palps present. Numerous tentacular filaments near mouth on ventral side (Sabellariidae-anterior end).
First segment completely fused to head. Notopodial chaetae of first and second segment forming operculum.
A pair of ciliated branchiae dorsally on most segments of thorax and anterior abdomen. Abdomen distinguished by lateral fleshy flaps bearing short saw-edged chaetae (uncini) and ventral to these, tufts of fine chaetae.
Parapodia biramous without aciculae. Tentacular, dorsal and ventral cirri absent. Gills flattened, dorsal to notopodia.
Posterior end lies folded forward in a ventral abdominal groove with the anus facing anteriorly.
Pygidium without cirri (Sabellariidae).

After: Fauchald and Rouse, 1997 and Hayward and Ryland, 1990.

For identification to species level, jump to the Picture key: Page 236: Sabellariidae

The following taxa of this family occur in the region:

Genus Sabellaria
Sabellaria alveolata
Sabellaria spinulosa