Linnaeus, 1758
Anterior region thick, posterior region long and narrow. All but the anteriormost segments superficially divided into five rings, with a strongly rugose epidermis. Prostomium small, three-lobed, retractile. Anterior region of 19 chaetigers, of which the last 7-19 bear branched dorsal gills; posterior region lacking gills and chaetae.
Up to 200 mm for 19 chaetigers.
Flesh-pink when young, later greenish yellow; stains yellow when handled (A. marina-dark coloured).
Occupy a fairly deep burrow in sand or muddy sand, whose head end is indicated at the surface by a shallow conical depression; the characteristic coiled wormcast appears at the top of the tail-shaft (Arenicola-detail). On the lower shore.
North Sea to Ă–resund, Arctic to Mediterranean.