Autolytus alexandri

Malmgren, 1867

Prostomium rounded with four relative large eyes, paired eyes in contact with each other. Palps hardly visible dorsally. Median antenna up to 2x as long as lateral antennae. Lateral antennae up to 3x long as prostomium.
Dorsal tentacular cirri about as long as lateral antennae, ventral half that size shorter. Dorsal cirri of first segment, as long as or longer than median antenna. Dorsal cirri of second segment about as long as lateral antennae. All other dorsal cirri irregularly alternating shorter or longer, longest clearly longer than segment width, shorter ones shorter than segment width. Blades of compound chaetae bidentate, with serrated shaft. Mid- and posterior parapodia with additional needle-shaped simple chaetae. Pharynx unknown.

Body up to 18 mm long for 82 segments.

Transparent or with two reddish or brownish cross-lines on each segment.

Arctic, North Pacific, North Atlantic up to southern North Sea.