Eteone foliosa

Quatrefages, 1865

Body slender, anteriorly and posteriorly tapered. Prostomium as long as wide or slightly longer. Eyes small, subdermal, often not discernible in preserved specimens. Nuchal papilla small but distinct. Prostomium and segment 1 poorly delineated medio-dorsally. Proboscis with lateral rows of large tubercles. Terminal ring of about 22-23 papillae and two laterally situated papillae on the inside of the ring. Ventral tentacular cirri longer and stouter than dorsal ones. Segment 2 without parapodial lobes, but with ventral cirri of similar size and shape as those of following segments. A few chaetae may be present on this segment in small specimens. Dorsal cirri of median segments asymmetrical. Parapodial lobes rounded, with about 15-20 chaetae. Terminal end of chaetal shaft asymmetrical with the main tooth on one side larger than on other side, and several to few smaller teeth. Blades rather long. Ventral cirri oval. Pygidial cirri long and slender, with pointed tips (E. foliosa-detail).

Preserved specimen 60 mm long for 200 segments.

Living animals cream-white, eyes dark red. Preserved animals white, eyes blackish.

Sand, muddy sand and mud. Intertidal to at least 50 m.

North Atlantic, Mediterranean, North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Ă–resund to western Baltic.