Eumida ockelmanni

Eibye-Jacobsen, 1987

Body anteriorly and posteriorly tapered. Prostomium triangular. Median antenna slightly shorter than paired ones, situated just anterior to eyes. Proboscis nearly smooth with rather few, minute papillae, arranged in more or less distinct rows. Juvenile specimens with larger papillae subdistally. Terminal ring of 18-22 papillae. Segment 1 with tentacular cirri reaching about segment 4. Dorsal tentacular cirri of segments 2 and 3 reaching about segment 9. Ventral tentacular cirri as long as those of segment 1, slightly flattened, with about four chaetae arising from anterior margin of the cirrophores. Dorsal cirri of median segments small, triangular, completely attached basally to weakly developed cirrophores. Parapodial lobes slightly bilobed, with about fifteen chaetae. Terminal end of chaetal shaft slightly swollen distally, with small teeth. Blades rather short. Ventral cirri small and with sharp points. Pygidial cirri subulate, 4-5 times as long as broad. Minute median pygidial papilla present (E. ockelmanni-detail). One band of cilia per segment, both dorsal and ventral.

Up to 7 mm for 42 segments.

Living animals pale green. Dark green pigmentation dorso-laterally and as a band stretching across dorsum of each segment, strongest anteriorly. An area of iridescent white pigment present dorsally on posterior part of prostomium and segment 2. Eyes clear red. Preserved animals dark brown.

Mud and muddy sand with some shell gravel; 16-100 m.

Ireland, northern North Sea, Kattegat and Ă–resund.