Euphrosine borealis

Oersted, 1843

Dorsal surface nearly covered with notopodial chaetae, with only a narrow mid-dorsal region without chaetae. Two large eyes and two smaller ones ventrally. Caruncle extending posteriorly to chaetiger 5. Each notopodium with six to eight gills, each with 1-12 (usually 2-4) branches whose terminal filaments are not thickened. Two dorsal cirri. Two kinds of notopodial chaetae projecting far above the gills: 1) long smooth chaetae with a short lateral spur, tapering to pointed or blunt tips (may be broken off); 2) shorter, unequally forked, serrated chaetae, the longer branch curved towards the shorter branch. Ventral chaetae with short lateral spur, smooth, about as long as longest notopodial chaetae.

Up to 25 mm for 24-31 segments.

Colourless when preserved.

In sand, gravel, stones, rocks and mud; from the intertidal zone to depths of more than 1400 m.

Widespread in Arctic, North Pacific and North Atlantic, including the northern part of the North Sea.