Goniada pallida

Arwidsson, 1898

Body relatively broad, with three body-regions.
Prostomium composed of eight rings, with palps and antennae forming a cross at the tip.
Anterior 45-53 parapodia uniramous with a prechaetal lamella that is big to about chaetiger 5 and rapidly becoming smaller in the following segments and a postchaetal lamella that becomes bigger. Following segments until about segment 70 with gradually developing notopodia. Posterior parapodia biramous with a small notopodium with a prechaetal lamella and a short postchaetal lamella. Posterior neuropodia with short prechaetal and longer postchaetal lamellae. Dorsal and ventral cirri finger-like.
Notopodial chaetae rather short capillaries. Neuropodial chaetae compound.
Two kind of papillae on pharynx: some semiglobular, some bifid.
Macrognaths with 3 teeth. About 24 X-shaped micrognaths. 11-18 chevrons on each side.

Up to 175 mm long for 300 segments.

In alcohol bright yellowish, metallic.

Eastern Atlantic, Norwegian and Swedish coasts of the Skagerrak.