Gyptis propinqua

Marion & Bobretzky, 1875

Prostomium heart-shaped, rounded quadrangular, with a deep incision in the posterior edge, 4 eyes, anterior pair larger and with lenses. Body without a median lateral groove.
Prostomium with 3 antennae and 2 annulated palps, thicker and a little shorter than the lateral antennae and with 2 rings.
Lateral antennae thread-like and a little longer than the prostomium. Median antenna at most half the size of the lateral antennae.
Between 6-8 pairs of annulated tentacular cirri. From the 6th segment to posterior end, the parapodia biramous.
Dorsal tentacular cirri of the second segment the longest, reaching to segment 10-12. Ventral cirri of the third segment the shortest and reaching to 6th segment. Segment 5 without notopodia and dorsal chaetae; only with dorsal acicula.
Dorsal- and ventral cirri annulated. Dorsal chaetae of 3 types; 10-15 short capillary chaetae, some slightly curved smooth acicular chaetae and in the lower part of the bundle some finely serrated chaetae.
Pharynx short, broad and smooth with 35-50 terminal papillae, without jaws
(G. propinqua-ventral view).

Body up to 7.5-10 mm for 32 segments.

Transparent, with dark brown pigmented dorsal cross-bands, which are connected dorsolaterally.


North Pacific, North Atlantic, Mediterranean, English Channel, Skagerrak.