Lumbrineris aniara

Fauchald, 1974

Prostomium conical, slightly longer than wide. Peristomium nearly fused dorsally with apodous segment, of same length as following segments.
Parapodium with a short prechaetal lobe, broadly rounded in anterior parapodia, triangular in posterior parapodia. Postchaetal lobe longer, triangular in anterior segments, becoming finger-shaped and erect in posterior segments. First 13-14 parapodia with winged capillary chaetae and compound multidentate hooded hooks. Rest of parapodia with winged capillary chaetae and/or simple hooded hooks. Aciculae and chaetae yellow.
Mandibles Y-shaped, slender. Maxillae I: hooked forceps; maxillae II: 5 teeth each; maxillae III and IV: unidentate.

Incomplete specimen with 133 chaetigers 37 mm.

Evenly salmon-pink.

In sand, mud, mixtures of both with clay, gravel, broken shells, and rocks from depths between 150 m and about 800 m.

Western Norway; could also be expected on North Sea coast.