Lumbrineris latreilli

Audouin & Milne Edwards, 1834

Body long and thin with numerous segments.
Prostomium conical, slightly longer than wide. Peristomium a little longer than the following segments.
Parapodium with a short, rounded prechaetal lobe; postchaetal lobe longer, tongue-shaped, projecting obliquely upward in posterior segments. Anterior 20-30 parapodia with winged capillary chaetae and compound multidentate hooded hooks. Rest of parapodia with few capillary chaetae and simple hooded hooks. Aciculae and chaetae yellow to amber coloured.
Mandibles Y-shaped, whitish iridescent. Maxillae I: hooked forceps; maxillae II: 4-5 teeth each; maxillae III: 1-2 teeth each; maxillae IV: each with one tooth.

Up to 300 mm for numerous segments.

Pale pink, orange or brown, iridescent.

In sand, mud, shell fragments, gravel, and mixtures of these, coralligene, under stones, amongst algae and sea grass (Posidonia and Zostera ) from the intertidal zone to a depth of about 4800 m.

Worldwide in temperate and warm waters. Whole North Sea to Skagerrak.