Lysilla loveni

Malmgren, 1866

Body long, anterior part very thick, posterior part more slender, slightly tapering. Body covered by flat papillae and secondary rings, segmentation exteriorly not discernible. Upper lip and tentacular ridge fused, parallel, folded.
Lower lip very prominent, gutter-like. Tentacles very short, comprised of thick grooved ones and thin cylindrical ones. Narrow, ventral furrow in the anterior part, no distinct ventral shields (L. loveni-head). Notopodial chaetae smooth, thin, barely projecting from the notopodia, on segments 3-8. No neuropodial chaetae.

Up to 85 mm long.

Unknown, possibly there is no tube.

In life light orange, tentacles whitish. In alcohol yellowish pink to grey.

Mainly on mud, more or less mixed with sand, stones and shells; in moderate, sublittoral depths.

Bering Sea, Chukchi Sea, Alaskan and Canadian Arctic, Irish Sea, Scottish west coast; East Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroes, Shetland, Tromsö and Finnmark, western and southern Norway, North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Öresund.