Microphthalmus fragilis

Bobretzky, 1870

Body relatively large.
Prostomium semicircular with two tiny eyes, placed laterally on the posterior part of the prostomium. Prostomium with 3 antennae and 2 simple palps.
Median antenna not longer than the lateral ones. Lateral antennae shorter than prostomium; palps a little shorter.
6 pairs of simple tentacular cirri on 3 segments.
Dorsal tentacular cirri of 3rd segment the longest, at least 3x as long as the median antenna; ventral cirri clearly longer than neuropodial lobes. Dorsal and ventral cirri simple. Dorsal cirri hardly longer than parapodial lobes.
Blades of compound chaetae of different sizes, finely serrated and bidentate.
Dorsal lobe of parapodia with 12-14 simple upper chaetae (needle-shaped with more than 10 very long fine teeth) and up to 12 compound and 2 simple lower chaetae (M. fragilis-chaetae).
Pygidial plate broadly rounded, with a fringed edge, composed of simple or trilobed papillae.

Body up to 25 mm for 90 segments.

With the exception of the first segment orange-coloured with light lateral lines.


Mediterranean, southern North Sea.