Mystides caeca

Langerhans, 1880

Body of uniform width.
Prostomium rounded, broader than long, lacking eyes. Antennae very fine, of even width, dorsal pair longer than ventral ones.
Tentacular cirri of segment 1 reaching about segment 4-5. Dorsal tentacular cirri of segment 2 reaching about segment 5, ventral tentacular cirri reaching about segment 4, with chaetae arising from the anterior side of the cirrophores. Parapodial lobes and ventral cirri of segment 3 of similar size and shape as those of the following segments. Dorsal cirri of median segments oval, inflated, longer than broad. Parapodial lobes rounded, with about 5-10 chaetae. Terminal end of chaetal shaft symmetrical with one larger tooth and a number of smaller ones on each side. Blades very long and slender. Ventral cirri oval, slightly shorter than the parapodial lobes. Pygidial cirri similar to dorsal cirri. Median pygidial papilla present.

Preserved relaxed specimen 6 mm long for 50 segments.

Living animals transparent yellowish green with a large conspicuous orange spot mid-dorsally on the prostomium. Dorsal and ventral cirri brown. Preserved animals yellowish with orange to brown dorsal and ventral cirri.

Known from mud, sand, shell gravel and rocky bottoms from 10 to 400 m.

North Atlantic to Mediterranean, English Channel, East England, northern North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat.