Nephtys pulchra

Rainer, 1991

Prostomium pentagonal with two antennae and two similar palps.
First segment with small dorsal tentacular cirri, ventral ones a little larger.
Parapodia: shape of the postchaetal lamellae broadly rounded, longest in the anterior part of the body. Acicular lobes conical, prechaetal lamellae short broadly rounded, rudimentary in the posterior part of the body. Neuropodial postchaetal lamellae without vascular structures.
Gills start at segment 5 rarely at 6 to the posterior end (N. pulchra-parapodium).
Pharynx with 14 longitudinal rows of 14 to 16 papillae, 20-22 subterminal papillae and 22 terminal papillae. Mediodorsal papilla absent.

Up to 60 mm long for 93 segments.

In alcohol yellow-brown, medioventral groove a little darker. Anterior body slightly iridescent.


Northeast Atlantic, northern North Sea and Skagerrak.