Nereiphylla lutea

(Malmgren, 1865)

Body broad, of uniform width. Prostomium as wide as long. Eyes large, rounded. Proboscis with diffusely distributed, slightly pointed, papillae, smaller and more scattered proximally. Tentacular cirri of segment 1 reaching about segment 4. Dorsal tentacular cirri of segment 2 and 3 reaching about segment 8. Ventral tentacular cirri of segment 2 as long as those of segment 1, with chaetae arising from the anterior side of the cirrophores. Dorsal cirri of median segments broadly heart-shaped, wider than long, with more or less distinct tips. Parapodial lobes rounded, with a large number of chaetae. Terminal end of chaetal shaft with the teeth slightly decreasing in size proximally. Blades short. Ventral cirri rounded, obliquely orientated upwards (N. lutea-detail).
Pygidial cirri cylindrical, 4-5 times as long as broad, with more or less pointed ends.

Living relaxed specimen 45 mm for 135 segments.

Living animals varying in colour from lemon-yellow to dark brown-red, often with darker spots on the dorsal cirri. Eyes brown. Preserved animals varying from brick-red to dark brown, dorsal cirri often darker, spots blackish. Eyes brownish black.

Mixed bottoms with mud, sand, gravel, shells and stones, between 25-300 m.

North Atlantic between Spitsbergen and Scotland, northern North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat and northern Ă–resund.