Nereis elitoralis

Eliason, 1962

Prostomium with a pair of short antennae without cirrophores, a pair of biarticulate palps and two pairs of small eyes in trapezoid arrangement.
Dorsal tentacular cirri a little longer than the ventral ones, second dorsal tentacular cirrus reaching chaetiger 6-9.
Pharynx with a pair of denticulate jaws; oral and maxillary rings with conical paragnaths in a few groups: group IV: 5-6 in a row; group VI: 2-3; groups VII-VIII: 4-6 in a row.
Parapodia of the first two chaetigers uniramous with three lobes.
Remaining parapodia biramous with 4 lobes. In anterior chaetigers dorsal
notopodial lobe, notopodial acicular lobe and ventral neuropodial lobe all of
similar size and shape: narrow tapering cones; neuropodial acicular lobe shorter,
with a short postchaetal lobe. Ventral cirrus shorter than the ventral neuropodial lobe. Posterior parapodia with dorsal notopodial lobe becoming shorter than notopodial acicular lobe, and with the dorsal cirrus becoming much longer than notopodial lobes (N. elitoralis-parapodium). Notopodial chaetae homogomph spinigers anteriorly, with homogomph falcigers appearing from chaetiger 20-40 (N. elitoralis-chaetae).

Up to 90 mm for 99 segments.

Pink in formaldehyde.

