Paradiopatra quadricuspis

(Sars, 1872)

Body long and slender.
Prostomium oval, with a pair of ovoid frontal palps and a pair of cushion-like ventral palps. Five antennae with about six basal annulations. Sometimes two small eyes present. Peristomium with a pair of slender, cylindrical peristomial cirri near the anterior margin. First three chaetigers with somewhat enlarged and forwardly directed parapodia, with short and awl-shaped ventral cirri. Following ventral cirri globular. Dorsal cirri cylindrical, somewhat longer than the parapodial lobes (P. quadricuspis-parapodium).
Gills start at chaetiger 5-9, absent from a long posterior region, with four or five filaments where best developed.
First five parapodia with three kinds of chaetae: capillary, pseudoarticulate and hooded hooks with bifid or trifid tips. Other parapodia with: capillary chaetae, comb-chaetae and one to three stout bidentate hooks starting at chaetigers 10-17 (P. quadricuspis-chaetae).
Two long and two short pygidial cirri.
Mandibles X-shaped. Maxillae I: a hooked forceps; maxillae II: with 7-8 teeth each; maxillae III: with 6-8 teeth each; maxillae IV: with 4-6 and 7-8 teeth; maxillae V: unidentate. Maxillary carriers triangular (P. quadricuspis-maxillae).

Up to 60 mm for up to 160 segments.

Cylindrical, membranous lining encrusted with mud or fine shell debris.

Living animal with one wide reddish brown band per segment.

Sand and mud or mixtures of both with gravel and pebbles from 40 to 2000 m.

North Pacific, north to middle Atlantic, northern North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat.