Pectinaria belgica

(Pallas, 1766) sensu Malmgren, 1866

Body big, strong, broadest anteriorly, tapering posteriorly; with 17 chaetigers.
Tentacular membrane folded, usually with 17-28 points of various lengths. Dorsal brim very wide, almost encompassing the circular anterior surface, without serrations. Anterior end with 8-15 paleae on both sides and with two pairs of tentacular cirri.
Two pairs of leaf-like gills present (P. belgica-anterior end).
Dorsal chaetae on 17, ventrally uncini on 13 segments. Spines at base of scaphe stout and nearly straight (P. belgica-detail).
Scaphe with folded margin anteriorly, smooth posteriorly. Anal tongue and pygidial cirrus very small.

Up to 70 mm long.

Straight, conical masonry of sand grains, up to 90 mm long and 10 mm wide.

In life pink with red gills. In alcohol yellowish and grey.

In many types of sediment: silt, mixed bottoms, sand; upper sublittoral to 500 m; euhaline to mesohaline.

European Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Pacific coast of the USA and Canada.
Southern North Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, the Öresund and the Belts, Warnemünde, Norwegian coast to Helgoland.