Pionosyllis serrata

Southern, 1914

Body short and tapering.
Prostomium rounded pentagonal with four eyes in a trapezoid arrangement and two ocelli. Palps broadly rounded, somewhat shorter than prostomium. Median antenna a little longer than lateral ones, placed in the middle of the prostomium. Lateral antennae a little longer than prostomium.
Dorsal tentacular cirri a little longer than lateral antennae, ventral shorter. Dorsal cirri as tentacular cirri without annulation. Ventral cirri longer than parapodial lobes except in middle of body, these are shorter. Parapodial lobes distally with small papilla. Anterior parapodia with 2 and posterior parapodia with 1 acicula.
Blades of compound chaetae long, clearly bidentate. Lower compound chaetae much shorter and unidentate (P. serrata-detail). Additional simple chaetae present in posterior parapodia.
Pharynx short.

Body up to 3 mm long for 27 segments.

Transparent. Pharynx brown.

North Atlantic to Mediterranean, southern North Sea (Norfolk).