Polycirrus aurantiacus

Grube, 1860

Body very short. Dorsum convex, ventral side flattened. Tentacles numerous, composed of very long cylindrical ones, and short, distally thickened ones. Tentacular ridge convex, upper lip with four folds, opening more or less ventrally. One unpaired, long, cushion-like, and 8-11 paired ventral shields, all distinct. Notopodial chaetae very finely feathery, long and short, starting at segment 2 and in at least 30-40 segments. Notopodia cylindrical. Uncinigerous tori from the 8th or 12th chaetiger (rarely more anteriorly). Pygidium with small papillae or lobes.

Up to 100 mm for 120 segments.

Mucous, not lasting, phosphorescent.

In life dark orange, tentacles orange; bluish or violet phosphorescence. Eggs dark brown.

On soft bottoms or among algae, serpulids, hydroids or dead shells.

Eastern North Atlantic to Senegal, Mediterranean, Shetland, Suffolk.