Sabella pavonina

Savigny, 1822

Body long and slender, thorax with 6-16 (usually 8) chaetigers.
8-45 pairs of radioli without eyes. Crown webbed basally. Palps elongated, triangular, about half the length of radioli. Dorsal margins of collar separated by a wide gap and the ventral margins form two fleshy lappets.
First thoracic shield with a straight anterior border (S. pavonina-drawing). Thorax and abdomen with small ocelli between the noto- and neuropodia.
Thoracic notopodia with long or short winged capillaries. Thoracic neuropodial uncini with companion chaetae. Abdominal neuropodial capillaries long, with asymmetrical wings in spiralled bundles (S. pavonina-chaetae). Abdominal notopodial uncini smaller than thoracic ones.
Pygidium with 2 round papillae.

Up to 300 mm for over 600 segments.

Cylindrical, up to 500 mm long and 8 mm broad. The free half of the tube is leathery, the buried half membranous.

Body yellowish, orange or violet.

On stones in sand and mud; sublittoral.

Arctic, North Atlantic to Gulf of Guinea, Mediterranean, North Sea to Ă–resund, South Africa, New Caledonia.