Hessle, 1917
Body long and slender, gradually tapering towards the posterior end. 26 chaetigers.
Prostomium without glandular ridges or eyespots. Four pair of gills in two widely separated groups, connected by a membrane; three gills of each group in a transverse row, the fourth one a distance behind the outer one of the three.
Segment 3 without notopodial chaetae. Fifteen thoracic segments with notopodia with capillary chaetae, the posterior twelve also with neuropodia with uncini; the 13th pair of notopodia elevated, often crossed on dorsum, and with specialized chaetae with feathery tips. Thoracic uncini with two rows of teeth with 5-6 teeth in each row. Eleven uncinigerous abdominal segments; abdominal uncini with three rows of up to ten teeth in each row (S. wireni-detail).
Pygidium with a lateral pair of short, conical cirri.
Up to 10 mm.
A thin clay-tube, which is encrusted with foreign particles.
In alcohol brownish red to very light brown.
On mixed bottoms in 50-440 m.
Barents Sea, Finnmark, Tromsø, North Møre, Swedish west coast, north coast of Jutland, Skagerrak.