Sphaerodoropsis minuta

(Webster & Benedict, 1887)

Body dorsally and ventrally densely papillated, elongated, tapering to the ends.
Prostomium densely papillated, with 2 pairs filamentous antennae and one unpaired median one. Two lensed eyes.
First segment with one pair of filamentous tentacular cirri and many small papillae. Anterior segment with 9 dorsal tubercles in one row, segments in mid-body, dorsally with one transverse row of 10-14 big tubercles. Surface between the big tubercles dorsally and the ventral side, with small papillae.
Parapodia elongated and annulated, with one finger-like prechaetal and two papilla-like postchaetal lamellae, a ventral cirrus and up to 9 chaetae with smooth falciger blades. Shaft finely denticulated at the upper part (S. minuta-detail).

Up to 6 mm long for 30 segments.

Yellowish white.

In the upper layer of soft sediments, also between the holdfasts of brown algae. From 0-120 m.

North Sea, Kattegat, Arctic, Antarctic, North Pacific and North Atlantic to Mediterranean.