Spio filicornis

(O.F. Müller, 1766)

Body cylindrical, anteriorly flattened and broad, up to 90 segments.
Prostomium triangular with an incision anteriorly and a caruncle reaching chaetiger 1 or 2. Four eyes on the posterior part of the prostomium in a trapezoid arrangement; anterior pair largest. Two, short and thick palps.
Notopodial postchaetal lobes on anterior chaetigers oval to broadly rounded, in mid-body high and narraw, in posterior region becoming short and oval.
Neuropodial postchaetal lobes rectangular, smaller than notopodial ones.
Gills long, finger-shaped, from chaetiger 1 to near and of body; only in anterior segments partially fused with postchaetal lobes. The first gill almost as long as the other ones.
All parapodia with finely winged capillary chaetae; from chaetiger 9-18, usually 10-11 also 9-10 bidentate hooded hooks and from chaetiger 17 onwards 1-3 spines in neuropodia.
Pygidium with four leaf-like to conical cirri, dorsal cirri longer than ventral ones.

Up to 18 mm for 55 segments.

Living animal pink to salmon, with brown to black pigmentation dorsally on head and anterior segments.

Eulittoral to 400 m. Lives in tubes made of sand, on sandy or mixed bottoms.

Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Red Sea, North Sea to Öresund.