Paradexiospira vitrea

(Fabricius, 1780)

Body twisted to right.
Operculum bowl-shaped and transparent except at slightly convex centre. Calcareous plate of operculum thin and saucer-like. Peristomium without eyes.
Collar high, with an incision dorsally. Two kind of chaetae on the first segment: thin capillaries and thicker, geniculate chaetae with a distinct step between the two groups of teeth. The second segment bears only capillary chaetae. The third segment with 'Apomatus'-chaetae. On the fourth segment notopodial chaetae are absent, neuropodial chaetae are uncini.
There is a achaetigerous part between thorax and abdomen.
On abdomen neuropodial chaetae are strongly geniculate with large teeth on the distal part. About 20 tori on the concave side of the abdomen, each with up to 30 uncini.

Up to 24 chaetigers.

Glassy, transparent, coiled anti-clockwise. 2.5 mm in coil diameter.

Abdomen pale, with orange coloured glimmer. Orange pigment can be seen through the glassy tube.

In crevices under rocks in clear water; mostly sublittoral.

Arctic, North Pacific, North Atlantic up to English Channel and Skagerrak.