Cirrophorus eliasoni

(Mackie, 1991)

Body is cylindrical with up to 100 chaetigers.
Prostomium is short and conical, without eyes or antenna. Nuchal slits present. Prostomium and peristomium are fused; the the first chaetiger is ventrally fused with peristomium.
Notopodial postchaetal lobes on the first chaetiger short, papilla-like from chaetiger 4 onwards finger-like short again, posteriorly becoming longer and thinner.
All chaetae on the anterior segments are capillaries.
1-3 notopodial modified chaetae: forked, with a long and a short branch, starting at notopodium 4-8. Posterior 25-35 neuropodia with capillary chaetae and one weakly bent spine (C. eliasoni-detail).
Up to twelve pairs of finger-like, pointed gills, starting at chaetiger 4.
Pygidium with three cirri, the median somewhat shorter than the lateral ones.

Up to 7.2 mm for 86 segments.

Colourless, anteriorly with small brown spots.

Usually on mud and sand; upper sublittoral to 680 m.

Arctic, North Sea to Ă–resund.