Autolytus quinquedecimdentatus

Langerhans, 1884

Prostomium rounded, quadrangular with four eyes. Palps hardly visible dorsally. Median antenna 2x as long as lateral ones. Lateral antennae up to 3x as long as prostomium.
Dorsal tentacular cirri as long as lateral antennae, ventral ones shorter. Dorsal cirri of first segment, as long as median antenna. All other dorsal cirri short, clearly shorter than segment width. Blades of compound chaetae bidentate, secondary tooth larger than terminal tooth. Parapodia with an additional needle shaped chaeta, serrated at the shaft. Pharynx long with 8-shaped twist. Trepan with 12-24 equal teeth.

Body up to 6 mm long for 60 segments.

Transparent with pale yellowish or reddish, especially in anterior body. Tips of median antenna and pygidial cirri and often also dorsal cirri of first segment shining white in reflected light.

Between shells and in coarse gravel, 35-120 depth.

Eastern part of North Atlantic up to Mediterranean, English Channel, southern North Sea and Skagerrak.